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Support Mercy Corps' Emergency Response Efforts

by Mercy Corps

Life can change for millions of families in an instant: natural disasters like earthquakes,
wildfires, and hurricanes take loved ones, and the outbreak of war drives families from their homes. When the unthinkable happens, Mercy Corps delivers rapid, lifesaving aid to the most vulnerable communities and then teams up with them to rebuild even stronger.

Mercy Corps has responded to almost every major natural disaster in the last 20 years, and their seasoned emergency responders work through conflict, distribute critical supplies and protect families uprooted by ongoing violence or displaced by disaster.

Most recently, we are responding after Indonesia’s Sulawesi island was struck by an earthquake early on January 15. The powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake toppled buildings and homes, displacing families, and landslides are blocking major roads making it difficult to access impacted communities, causing further challenges to response efforts.

We're also supporting supporting a health post to support arriving Ethiopian refugees in partnership with Sudan’s Ministry of Health in Um Rakuba camp, bordering the Sudan/Ethiopia border. We are treating about 100 patients each day.

Your donation to Mercy Corps' Humanitarian Response Fund is unrestricted and will allow our team to react to the unexpected at a moment's notice.

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